It's been a while, sorry! Well,
I passed the examen for costume design, I just sent my application to the school and now we have to wait and see... Since that I'm looking desperately for an internship and I got a job to earn some money. I still go to my art classes which use to be my portfolio classes but now it's more casual... It's like I'm free to do anything although I actually have to work a lot on my drawing and painting but somehow I came to start crafting which is quite fun actually. I've been working hours to figure out how to do pop-up cards and all... Sometimes it worked out the way I wanted but useually I had no idea what I was actually doing so that it didn't turn out the way I wanted... so I had to do some internet research, looking for people who did already a good job on that and luckily I found something.
Thanks to
Willem's Origamic Architecture! There are all kinds of patterns to do that stuff! I always thought that I was patient but I had to realise I'm not because doing that OA almost freaked me out but okay...
So I couldn't sleep until I got something done right and yeah I'm very thankful for the pattern although it didn't turn out perfect (I did it twice) But I got to admit somehow I put the stuff into the right spot and now I think it actually looks pretty cool on that picture I took haha:) The lights coming from the back, throwing out those loong shadows... niiiice. I like it:)
Doing all the crafting made me thinking to go for costume and stage design... but I'd be heart broken to leave the city. But I'm really interested and I think that it'll be awesome to do the concept for the stage and costume together but I don't know... Do you think I should just go for it?
Well, it's 6.30 a.m. I think I'm going to bed now.
Happy St. Nikolaus!
I will hopefully blog some more soon:)
It's just december, my favorite month in the year..
and all those thoughts keep me busy haha x)
Bisous Domino