So last semester I had to take a painting class and let me be honest with you the idea of painting class really stresses me out! After the first semester I thought I will never be able to paint anything 'caus it always brought up just a huge feeling of pain in me! Seriously! But as I told you for example seeing paintings by Van Gogh kind of change my view! So luckily my new teacher Heiko Müller (Check out his art work! It's reeeaally cool!) put me into the right direction so that I can say I really did improve! I was soo happy about that, really! Now I kind of like painting haha
So here I put some pictures from painting class where you can see how everyone works on their own painting skills!

Heiko Müller(up, left), Sinnika

Ben, Philipp


Kathi (taken by Marina)

Pia (taken by Marina)





Bisous Domino