Sunday, August 12, 2012

Domino's Wonderland

Picture by Marion

Impression of the 9th december 2011.
 I wish we would do that more often!:D
 It was a wonderful night for me! 
Thank you for coming! 
Location: Herren Simpel
Thanks to Gesa for these pictures!

 Bisous Domino

Mephisto - paint the town red!

Let's paint the town red! Summer semester 2012 our theme in costume design was "Rouge". It would take to long to explain everything.. Basically we did a lot of researches about the color and everyone could decide what they wanted to do. My first inspiration was a caricature by Hamilton for "The Judge". With regard to the content it wasn't in any way interesting for me but for my work I started to read a couple of books about the devil like "Der Teufel und das Weib – Eine kulturgeschichtliche Spurensuch" by Dagmar Scherf, Goethe's Faust of course and part of "Androgynos – Das Mann-Weibliche in Kunst und Architektur" by Günther Feuerstein because at some point I was convinced that this is an importent element for my character.
It was my pleasure to meet the photographer Dennis Poser  at a party at Schauspielhaus when I told him about my idea of the project because at this time I was looking for a location on a roof when he said that we could go on the roof at his apartment! To work with him was soo nice and really easy going! He gave me a lot of advice and he prepared the set perfectly! Did you know that the whole week it was raining but just the day of the shooting we were so lucky it didn't! For my model I still wanted to work with Mosche because I definitly wanted to try something out which was different from the dramaturgy pictures and honestly he himself is like little artist and often improvise quick and efficent. At the shooting you could tell how much fun he had to play the role and seduce the camera:) Sadly you can't really see at what height he was standing on the roof! Crazy!!! Hair and make up artist was Rebecca Veil. She also did a great job under our conditions because we were short in time before the sun went down! So she did her best as fast as possible! Although she is afraid of heights she came upstairs with us! It is so funny how much time you spent to prepare a shooting and after a couple of minutes it's all over! But in the end I was really happy with my team again and glad to work with all of you guys!!! Thank you so much!!!:D


„Ein Teil von jener Kraft, / Die stets das Böse will und stets das Gute schafft.“
„Ich bin der Geist der stets verneint!/ Und das mit Recht; denn alles was ensteht/ Ist wert dass es zugrunde geht:/ Drum besser wär’s dass nichts entstünde./ So ist denn alles was ihr Sünde,/ Zerstörung, kurz das Böse nennt,/ Mein eigentliches Element.“
„Ich bin ein Teil des Teils, der anfangs alles war,/ Ein Teil der Finsternis, die sich das Licht gebar,/ Das stolze Licht, das nun der Mutter Nacht/ Den alten Rang, den Raum ihr streitig macht,/ Und doch gelingt’s ihm nicht, da es, so viel es strebt,/ Verhaftet an den Körpern klebt.“
„Allwissend bin ich nicht; doch viel ist mir bewusst.“
„Ich bin dein Geselle/ Und, mach dir’s recht,/ Bin ich dein Diener, bin dein Knecht!“
„Verbinde dich; du sollst, in diesen Tagen,/ Mit Freuden meine Künste sehn,/ Ich gebe dir was noch kein Mensch gesehn.“
„Blut ist ein ganz besondrer Saft“
„Wer will was Lebendiges erkennen und beschreiben,/ Sucht erst den Geist heraus zu treiben,/ Dann hat er die Teile in seiner Hand,/ Fehlt leider! Nur das geistige Band.“
„Wir sehn die kleine, dann die große Welt.“
„Den Teufel spürt das Völkchen nie,/ Und wenn er sie beim Kragen hätte.“
„Hast du vorm roten Wams nicht mehr Respekt?/ Kannst du die hahnenfeder nichts erkennen?“
„Das nordische Phantom ist nun nicht mehr zu schauen;/ Wo siehst du Hörner, Schweif und Klauen?/ Und was den Fuß betrifft, den ich nicht missen kann,/ Der würde mir bei Leuten schaden;/ Darum bedien ich mich, wie mancher junge Mann,/ Seit vielen Jahren falscher Waden.“

Day of shooting:

Bisous Domino