Friday, October 26, 2012

Something about M...

Well on sunday I called Mosche spontanously to pass by because I needed to take pictures for my photography class. I really like to give him something to wear and see how it will turn out on him because I think he's really changeable. (The first time I met him I had to make him up like an old man, after that I saw him in roles like Prince Charming, scary Clown, sensible Capricorn and my Mephisto of course. Truely he's a wonderful character and great to work with!) Actually the Hamlet costume was not meant for him but it was interesting to see it on another person in a sort of different way. We took the pictures in my garden and I had borrowed a Canon 50D from our school but honestly didn't know how to use it!:D I had difficulties having regulate him sharp and wondered why it took so long that the camera captured the picture so later on I realised that the self timer was on hahaha Oh whatever, so I took only a few instead of hundreds and it was still fun:)
People who have followed my work probably already have realised that I really like shiny, sparkling things, armor pieces, feathers and all kinds of headwear (often I use headbands for some reason?!). It's that simple but I just really, really like it:) There will be a musicvideo coming out soon where you will discover these elements again for sure;) Also I have a class this semester where we work with paper which I'm really excited about! So thanks if you keep up checking out my blog! I'm sorry but also glad that I still post something once in a while;)



Bisous Domino

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Impressions of Airstream4u Commercial

Impressions from Airstream4u commercial shooting.
This late summer/ beginning of autumn I had the honor and chance to work on Frauke, Ben and Niki's Master Abschlussfilm "Fliehkraft" from the Hamburg Media School. Something like a student graduation master's degree film. For more informations and impressions from that project you have to wait til the premier next year, sorry but I promise it's going to be worth it:)!) Anyways they made a deal to shoot a commercial for Airstream4u because they were helping them out during the graduation movie. 
So this all happened kind of on short notice so that I only had a day to organise the costumes but you will only see one anyways. We actually had two film locations but due to the rain the outdoor one didn't work out so we tried to shoot the whole commercial in the workshop which was really fun by the end of the day! I have learned that for the sake of a lot of reasons precious things have to be cut out really often but at least the impressions last! The commercial is not done yet but I will post it as soon as it will be online.
Pictures from the shot were taken by me except the one marked (*) are taken by Daniel Goldt.
taken by Christin Pohlmann





Produktion: Frauke Kolbmüller
Regie: Benjamin Teske
Kamera: Niklas Lindschau
Kameraassistent: Jens Kaspar
Kamerabühne: Raik Lingner
Oberbeleuchter: Jan D. Herlach
Beleuchter: Max Becker
Tonmeister: Tim Stephan
Szenenbild: Tim Tamke
Innenrequisite: Jeannine Ulrich
Kostüm: Viet Thanh Tran
Maske: Christin Pohlmann
Darstellerin: Luciane Danat
Darsteller: Michael Wanker
Bisous Domino