Saturday, November 17, 2012

Captain Capa - Berlin Fainting (Official Video)

Here Captain Capa's new music video! I had the modest job to do the styling and hair&make-up!
Watching this it kind of resembles the girl version of the guys in "Rivals" if you remember. She's wearing a head band, leather pants, feathers, brown top with a little sequined jacket and doing her own war paint.. Sadly I don't have behind the scene pictures this time!
But it was nice to work with them. Everyone is really easy-going on the team. Anna-Lena is such a gorgeouse girl! Her boyfriend also came to help and support!
Her scenes were all shot in Soren's living room which looked quite like a mess in the end!
Do you know that feeling preparing for a night for hours to look really pretty and then just wishing to mess it up by just paint all over your face? Can be pretty releaving haha:)

Director/DOP/Editor: Sören Fischer
Styling/Hair&Make-up: Domino Tran
Cast: Anna-Lena Rabbel
Musik: Captain Capa

Bisous Domino

Monday, November 12, 2012

Kiezstürmer: Unter der roten Laterne

Impressions of "Unter der roten Laterne" 
Starring: Rashidah Aljnied, Danielle Green, Alexander Merbeth, Joscha Henningsen, Mario Neumann, Fridtjof Bundel, Friederike Schubert, Sarah Klöfer, Claudio Pohle
Directors/Dramaturgy/Stage design: Friederike Schubert & Sarah Klöfer
Music: Fridtjof Bundel
Costume Design: Claudio Pohle
Hair & Make up: Katharina Kindsvater


Bisous Domino

Friday, November 2, 2012

Airstream4u Film up

Here our little spot for Airstream4u!:D
Impression from the shooting you'll find here.
Hope you like it! Have fun watching it!

Bisous Domino