Monday, January 30, 2012


Hamlet, sweet Hamlet. I don't even know where to start. This project was just crazy!
Assignment for my costume class was a concept for Hamlet and the realisation of this charackter for a presentation. I don't have my drawings done so I just put Hamlet and Ophelia in.
Well, I really like that play so I was ambitious to do my best possible.
Besides the concept I had a kind of feeling for my cast how I wanted my Hamlet to be like and when I discovered Julius Feldmeier, an interesting and talented actor, I thought he was perfect for it! So I asked him and he said yes! For Ophelia I had absolutely Sophia König, my good Spring Awakening mate, in mind that she'd be perfect for the role as well! And sure she said yes! Last but not least I wanted to have a seductive Dead so if you remember the Halloween pictures, no one but Nieka P. of course could have been better!;)
Because I put quite some effort in this project I wanted someone who can take really beautiful pictures. So I asked Jérôme Sklorz who was responsible for the music if he knows someone.
That's when I met Andreas Schlieter. Funny thing is that he had already taken lots of pretty pictures of my friends so I had a good feeling about him and I hope you'll agree when you see the pictures from the shooting.
Then I want to thank Sonja Rösch my bestfriend who took care of the catering food and lots of other things! As well my mom, Charly Haupt and Lönja Malec who helped with the transport.
Deutsches Schauspielhaus and Boris for the equipment. Hochschule für Musik und Theater for the studio. Again Andreas for the main post editing as well Philipp Sklorz with the three constellation picture. I hope I haven't forgot anyone!
Seriously at the end of the day we were soooo exhausted!
So again thank you all! I love you! Awesome job! I hope you like the pictures!
I'm sorry they don't turn out so well on my little blog!

Bisous Domino

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